Jesus ranks top in revised Wikipedia articles

For those of you familiar with Wikipedia, you know that it is a user-contributed encyclopedia. Articles on any topic can be edited, added to, and revised by users. First of all, that should make Wikipedia your first stop, but definitely not your last, as you begin to research information about a subject.

windowslivewritervisualizin.jpgKnowing that “information” can be changed by anyone should make you wary of its authenticity or accuracy. However, with that said, there is a surprising amount of veracity to Wikipedia articles. It’s amazing to me that people have that much time that they care enough to make sure that something is “right” or historically accurate about a subject.

It places informational power squarely in the hands of the individual and removes it from a publisher.

It was fascinating to me to discover this article that says that Jesus tops the list of the most highly revised Wikipedia articles. You can read about the Top 20 there. There are also interesting graphics that show you the activity that the site sees as it grows and flows.

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