Surgery today

This should be the last time Carolyn gets cut during this go-round. She has surgery today at Baptist Hospital in Little Rock. As I related in other posts, the doctor wasn’t satisfied with the negative results of the needle biopsies of lymph nodes in the groin area So they will be going in today to remove them.

This will be the second surgical attempt to do so. They were trying to avoid having to go deep.

It will most likely mean an overnight stay. However, the surgeon said she may be able to go home this evening.

What this means for us:
– The waiting game is almost over. Since November, we haven’t known exactly what we were dealing with or what she might be facing in terms of treatment. We will know early next week if Hodgkins or lymphoma is present with confidence.
– Chemo is ahead. A I related in my last post, they will be treating the breast cancer that way. If the results from today show lymphoma, there will be chemo for that as well.
– Living by faith and prayer is hard but deeply significant and surreal. We are overwhelmed by the support of friends, loved ones and complete strangers. Thank you.

At this point, we no longer ask for your prayers. You’ve spoiled us. Now we expect them. It is a glorious blessing to presume upon you in this way. Reality is though that we need more than prayers for health. Please pray for wisdom, financial provision, and our ability to testify to the Lord’s mercy in the middle of it all.

Living with uncertainty with Christ is better than being amply supplied and healthy without Him. I am reminded of David’s words, “I would rather be a doorkeeper in the courts of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked.”

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January 16, 2009 10:45 am

i couldn’t even imagine what it’s like to go thru this four times, much less how to even manage going through it. i guess that’s what grace and mercy are for…

Leigh Anne
Leigh Anne
January 16, 2009 11:16 am

I have been so blessed to see God’s presence in your lives in the middle of tough times. You guys are an encouragement to me. It’s my honor to pray for your family….health, wisdom and financial provision. You’re well on your way to glorifying God in the midst!!

You’re pretty funny too! 🙂

January 16, 2009 11:27 am

I had no idea this has been going on. Will be praying!!!

Cortney Flores
Cortney Flores
January 16, 2009 1:40 pm

To my amazing sister, who has fought so fearless and faithfully, I am so proud to call you mine. You are inspiring to all. Your courage and determination is powerful. You have fought and won this battle repeatedly and will continue to do so. I love you more than words can ever explain. I find encouragement in your ability to overcome even the hardest obsticles, if i could carry this burden for you i would do it gladly. You are the MOST amazing person i know. You are an angel on earth. My precious sister i hope you know how… Read more »

January 16, 2009 8:39 pm

I love that you expect those prayers! That is absolutely awesome! What a way to rest…knowing automatically that you are being lifted up to the Father. As we continue to pray, if there is any “lesser” need that any of you have, please let us know!

January 16, 2009 11:36 pm

Many thanks, one and all. We’re home. Tired. But relieved that this is now behind us. Now it’s preparation for Journey’s State of the Church Address for me on Sunday. For Caro, it’s more waiting. And mending.

January 18, 2009 2:00 am

Jeff, know that I am praying for Carolyn here in Shanghai – and your whole family! Lifting you guys up daily! I pray that in the midst of this storm that y’all will see His blessings poured out daily on your family! Please give my love to Carolyn!

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