Where’s the love?

OK, it’s in the middle of a tornado warning here in our small metropolis of 10,000. I had just finished posting the National Weather Service warnings on MonticelloLive. I had the front door open listening and stepping out to look at the swirling clouds intermittently. Carolyn is out of town at the Journey Ladies’ Retreat, and so the kids had made a shelter in the hallway closet. They kept yelling, “DADDY!!!! Come get in here!” I walked back to comfort and lend them my manly presence only to discover that with them, the stinking chihuahua, the cat-that-has-become-ours, the bird and cage, and the hamster and cage, there was no room in the inn.

The thought of their dear old dad not being able to fit in the closet in case of an actual tornado apparently didn’t concern them. Rather, I placed last after a dog, cat, hamster, and parakeet.

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Amanda Kinney
February 26, 2007 11:10 pm

Well, sorry about the placement behind aall of your animals, but at least they did call for you (its a start right?) We here at UAM had our own little ordeal and you can find the story over on my blog.

Talk to you later Jeff.

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